ARC 2006 USA Nats Schedule

This schedule is subject to further changes.....print it out just before you depart for the link will remain at the top of the ARC home page until the Nationals begin.

Here's a basic schedule
Aug 1 2006  Tuesday .... 10pm   Steve Bamford arrives at Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel
Aug 2 2006  Wednesday Breakfast....8:30am  Breakfast Buffet at Terrace Restaurant $13.00 for full breakfast in Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel
Wednesday lunch...........vendor room opens at 12 noon and will be hard to leave.....won't be much chance for lunch this day.
Wednesday site at Jackstack in Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel lobby at 6pm for a shared ride either in a Taxi or fellow ARC'ers car ........
101 W 22nd St, Kansas City, MO 64108   (816) 472-7427    click here for map  

Wednesday night partying.......on site bar....Spectator Sports bar in Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel
Aug 3 2006  Thursday Breakfast....8:30am  Breakfast Buffet at Terrace Restaurant $13.00 for full breakfast in Hyatt Regency Crown Center
Thursday lunch......1pm food fair
Thursday 3pm.... Steve Filak arrives at Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel
Thursday Dinner.......6pm dinner at Skies rotating restaurant on top of Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel
Thursday night partying.......9:00PM – 12:00AM Twobobs party Terrace Restaurant Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel
Aug 4 2006  Friday Breakfast....8:30am  Breakfast Buffet at Terrace Restaurant $13.00 for full breakfast in Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel
Friday lunch......
12 noon food fair in mall connected to convention center
1pm.... ARC seminar  1 hour long

A discussion of the world's largest "aircraft-only" modeling website by its owner, creator, and Webmaster, Steve Bamford.  Steve will discuss the history and philosophy of ARC, and describe the work that goes into a daily web-based e-zine, from subject matter selection to content balance, and text/photo editing.  Tips on article submissions will also be presented.  Forum administrator Steve Filak will also be on hand to discuss the forums and their operation.  A round table discussion will follow the presentation, and all ARCers are encouraged to attend, and provide ideas, input, and general discussion about the future direction of the site.

Friday Dinner....6:30pm BBQ dinner at Arthur Bryant's  Ameristar Casino location 3200 N. Ameristar Dr., K.C., MO, in Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel lobby at 6pm for a shared ride either in a Taxi or fellow ARC'ers car
Directions and a map from the hotel to this location can be found here

Friday night partying.......8:30pm Spectator Sports bar in Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel
Aug 5 2006  Saturday Breakfast....8:30am  Breakfast Buffet at Terrace Restaurant $13.00 for full breakfast in Hyatt Regency Crown Center

Saturday 9:30am meet in Hyatt Regency Crown Center Lobby for 9:45am departure to Combat Air Museum, Topeka will be 1 hour for an arrival time of 10:45 at the museum.  People going to the Museum will probably miss the 1pm lunch back at the convention food fair.  Arrange your rides to the museum ahead of time on this thread-----> Combat Air Museum road trip  To learn more about the here

Saturday lunch......1pm food fair in mall connected to convention center
Saturday Dinner.......6pm.....Awards banquet....we must organize this and get there early in a at a pre-determined location and grab tables together.  Kelly can't reserve tables for us.  We'll need to meet at 5:30 outside the main doors to the banquet room to gather into a group to get our own tables.
Saturday night partying......we'll hang out in the model room after the awards banquet for an hour......then have an early beer in the Spectator Sports bar in Hyatt Regency Crown Center Hotel.   Steve B flies out at 8:30am on Steve B will need to get up darn early on Sunday.....but there will be time for one final beer at Spectator Sports bar on Saturday night

Aug 6 2006  Sunday  8:30am......Breakfast Buffet at Terrace Restaurant $13.00 for full breakfast...this place opens about 6 or 6:30 am....Steve B will probably either miss this breakfast or do a very early breakfast.
830am  Steve B plane lifts off