VSM Contest 2002


There was a huge variety of automotive models at the show....here's a small selection that caught my eye.

Front view of Dragster diorama by Gerald Siebert Rear view of building.....beautiful weathering
This model won many awards including Best of Show, Best Automotive, Best Diorama, 


1/25 '41 Willy by Ivan Kovaltsenk


1/24 Junkyard by Gerald Siebert


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1/24 Monogram '37 Ford sedans by Ken Polley


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1/24 Monogram RX7 by John Beaulieu 1/25 '39 Chev by  Ivan Kovaltsenk 1/24 Celica WRC by Jeremy Mahovlich


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1/24 '98 Mercedes by Riuss Ferguson

1/20 Tamiya F 310B by George Doran 


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1/25 AMT Viper and PT Cruiser by Jeremy Mahovlich


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Very nicely done models by unknown modellers 

Photos and text © 2002 by Steve Bamford