Su-25 Frogfoot (Soviet, Iraqi and Czech Airforces)
This sheet
offers the modeller 4 different decal options for Soviet, Czech and Iraqi
Su-25's. The
planes covered on this sheet range from an Iraqi Su-25 from Jan 1991 during the
peak of Desert storm to a Soviet Su-25 based at an airbase outside Kabul
in 1984. Paint schemes range from Brown-yellow/Dark Green/ Dark
Brown camo to Dark Green/Earth Brown/Sand of the Iraqi jet.
Jaguar A EC (French Airforce)
This sheet offers the
modeller 4 different decal options for French Air Force. The
planes covered on this sheet range from a Jaguar in a French campaign in
Chad to red flag deployment in the US in 1984 to Operation Daguet"
(Desert Storm) in January 1991. Paint schemes range from grey/green
camo to 2 tone sand desert camo.
MiG 29 A Fulcrum
This sheet offers the
modeller 5 different decal options for the MiG 29. The
planes covered on this sheet include Soviet, East and West German,
Polish and Iraqi during Desert Storm.
#72006 Mi-8 /
Mi-17 HIP
This sheet offers the
modeller 10 different decal options for the Mi-8 / Mi-17 HIP. The
helicopters covered on this sheet include Soviet, East and West German,
Polish and Iraqi during Desert Storm and Hungarian.
Also included in this sheet are markings for 2 Search and Rescue
Mi-24 Hind
This sheet offers the
modeller 5 different decal options for the Mi-24. The choppers covered on this sheet include Soviet, East and West German,
Polish (with Sharks Mouth) and Iraqi during Desert Storm.
A-10 Thunderbolt II "Warthog"
This sheet offers the
modeller 4 different decal options for the A-10. The A-10's
include 3 from Desert Storm and one from 1982. One of the Desert
Storm A-10's on this sheet is a special Experiment desert paint scheme.
#72011 MiG-21MF/SMT
Fishbed J/K This sheet offers the
modeller 5 different decal options for the MiG-21. Included are
two Soviet, one Iraqi, one German and one Polish MiG-21. The
German jet includes a Shark Mouth in it's paint scheme.
#72012 CH-47
Chinook This sheet offers the
modeller 5 different decal options for the CH-47 Chinook. Included are
two Raf Desert Storm Chinooks, one US army Desert Storm CH-47 as well as
a Argentine Flaklands War CH-47 and a Spanish CH-47.
1/72 SU-24 M / MK / MR Fencer D / E scale Decal
This decal sheet features 5 aircraft from
USSR, Iraq, Iran and the Ukraine.
#72014 Bell
AH-1J/T/W Sea Cobra This sheet offers the
modeller 9 different decal options for the Sea Cobra. Included
is an Iranian Cobra, Desert Storm Sea Cobras and Grenada and Lebanon
operations Sea Cobras. One of these Cobras has a black sharks
MiG-23 This sheet offers the
modeller 5 different decal options for the MiG-23 Flogger. Included
is an Iraqi Desert Storm MiG-23, Isreali MiG-23 that had defected from
Syria. Also included is a German, Polish and Soviet MiG-23.
#72016 Dassault
Mirage 2000 C/N/P This sheet offers the
modeller 6 different decal options....five for the French Air Force and
one for Peru. Included
is 3 planes in Desert camouflage colours. Two of the planes are
from Operation Desert Storm and one of the planes is yellow with black
Tiger Stripes.
#72017 MiG-23
and MiG-27 This sheet offers the
modeller 5 different decal options....two options for the MiG 27
Flogger and three decal options for the MiG-23 Flogger. Included
is an Iraqi Desert Storm MiG-23, German MiG-23 and an Indian MiG-27. Also included is a German, Polish and Soviet MiG-23.
#72019 L-39 L-59
Albatros This sheet offers the
modeller 6 different decal options for the L-39 L-59 Albatros. Included
is an Iraqi Desert Storm, German and an Egyptian as well as East German,
Lithuanian and Czech and Sloavk Albatros.
#72020 AH-64
(USAF and Israeli Airforce)
This sheet
offers the modeller 6 different decal options including two Israeli
AH-64's....two US Army Desert Storm and two other US army AH-64's. There are enough stencils included to
do one of the six AH-64's featured on this sheet, although with additional stencils
more could be made.
F-16C (USAF and Israeli Airforce)
This sheet
offers the modeller 4 very interesting decal options including two Israeli
F-16's....a USAF Desert paint scheme from the Operation Desert Shield as
well as another USAF F-16C from during Operation Desert Storm. There are enough stencils included to
do one of the four F-16C's featured on this sheet, although with additional stencils
all 4 F-16's could be made.
MiG-15 Bis Fagot B.
This sheet comes in
1/72 and 1/48 and includes markings for a Soviet Ace and markings for
the Soviet Aerobatic team as well as an East German plane and more.

F/A-18's including a Kuwaiti F/A-18C of the 25th Sqn. from the Kuwait
City Airbase. A Desert Storm USMC F/A-18A 162465 VE/12 with
VMFA-115 "Silver Eagles" that was deployed to Saudi Arabia in
January 1991. A USMC F/A-18D(CR) 164679 CE/00 from VMFA(AW)-225
"Vikings" out of MCAS El Toro Calif in 1993 (with false
canopy) and the decals are included on this decal sheet. A USMC
F/A-18A 163180 DW/01 with VMFA-251 "Thunderbolts" out of MCAS
Beaufort, SC from 1993. And finally an F/A-18D(CR) 164866 WK/501
with VMFA(AW)-224 "Bengals" out of MCAS Cherry Point, NC in
#72024 SU-27 Flanker B
5 Aircraft can be made
from this decal sheet, although there are only stencils for one
jet. Jets that can be done with this sheet include a Russian/USSR
plane stationed in Poland with "kill" marking denoting live
missile firings. A Russian jet with a shark mouth
on each side of the plane. A plane in either Soviet or Ukrainian
markings...depending on which year you choose to depict this particular
aircraft. And finally a Chinese Airforce SU-27 from Hainan Island
in China.
Israeli F-4E,
RF-4E, F-4E(S) and Kurnass 2000
This is a decal
sheet for all you Israeli Airforce fans out there. This decal sheet will
permit you to build 1 of 8 Israeli F-4E's including 3 that flew during the Yom Kippur War in
October 1973....one of which was one of the 36 planes supplied by the US and
this plane flew in SEA camo.
For Stencils it is
recommended you use stencils from Hi-Decal Line sheet
MIL MI-4 / Harbin Z-5 'Hound'
This is a decal
sheet give you decal options for 9 different Mi-4 including Polish, Soviet, East
German, Hungarian Rebel forces, Chinese, North Vietnamese, Indian
and Indonesian Air Forces.
F-18 A/C 3 Aircraft can be made
from this decal sheet including an F-18A with VFA-127 "Desert Bogeys", US
Navy in Iraqi Fulcrum Aggressor with a sand / brown desert paint scheme, but the really cool part
is the little Iraqi flags at the top of the vertical Stabilizers. And
an F-18C with VFA-192 "World Famous Golden Dragons" with the US Navy
aboard the USS Independence in the Pacific Ocean in 1994. And a Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) F-18A. This F-18A Hornet
"Cobra" with No3 Sqn., No.81 Wing out of Williamtown Air Base, New
South Wales in October 1987 with a big Cobra snake mouth under the
Foxbat A/E One
of six aircraft can be made from this decal sheet including two Soviet,
a Ukrainian, a Libyan, an Iraqi and a Syrian Air Force plane.
A-6E Intruders This sheet
offers the modeller 3 decal options including A-6E from VA-36 "Roadrunner" of the US Navy
aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt in the Red Sea during Operation Desert
Storm in January 1991 in a Desert paint scheme. Plus VA-85 "Black
Falcons" embarked upon the USS America in 1993 and VMA (AW)-332
"Polka Dots" of the US Marine Corps out of MCAS Cherry Point,
North Carolina in April 1993
Fresco A. This decal sheet features six different MiG-17's including
a Soviet one used during the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslavakia in
1968, plus a Mongolian, East German, Royal Afgan, Iraqi and Soviet
Aerobatic team MiG-17.
Su-17M4 Fitter K
The decal sheet includes
markings for 6 different planes and stencils for one plane. These
planes are all from the Russian Air Force.
This decal sheet includes
among other things....a mild Tiger scheme as well as somewhat of a Hot
Rodder Flame Job scheme.
F-18 Stencils
This decal
sheet has stencils for F-18's....enough stencils in fact for 2 complete
Fresco C
This decal
sheet has 6 decal options including one Israeli, two Polish, tow
Egyptian and an Angolan MiG-17.The Israeli MiG-17 is the Syrian
MiG-17FFresco C No. 1041 that landed in northern Israel on Aug 12th,
1968. One of the polish planes is for a tpecial scheme that
was applied for the last flight in PAF service. At Modlin AB on
July 12th 1993.
#72036 F-86D/L Sabre
Dog This decal sheet
comes in 1/72 and 1/48 scale. It will permit you to build three of 4
different F-86D/L's. The 4 decal options include 2 from the Greek
Air Force and one from the Phillippine Air Force and one from the Royal
Thai Air force. I'll do a full review when I receive the decal
sheet and page one of the instruction sheet.
MiG-21 bis-SAU Fishbed N and MiG-21 bis Fishbed L
7 different
aircraft including the Soviet AF 1989, Ukrainian AF1992, two planes from
the Polish Navy 1994, Yugoslav AF 1993, Croation AF 1993, and East
German AF 1978.
IL-28 Beagle
decal sheet permits you to make 1 of the 4 different IL-28's. A
Finnish, Egyptian, Polish and East German. The Finnish plane is
baremetal target tug with orange engine nacelles. The German and
Egyptian planes have 2 tone camo and the Polish plane is mostly
MiG-19 PM Farmer E
decal sheet permits you to make 1 of 6
different planes. These planes are from
Soviet, East German, Polish, Romanian, Czechoslovakian and Cuban Air Forces.
Fitter A
decal sheet permits you to make 1 of 7
different planes and stencils for one plane. These planes are from
Soviet, Egyptian, Polish, Afghan, Syrian and Algerian Air Forces.
This decal
sheet permits you to make of the 5 different IL-28's. A North
Vietnamese, Nigerian, Hungarian, Polish and East German.
#72044 MiG
29A/B/CG Fulcrum A 7 Aircraft can be made
from this decal sheet. Jets that can be done with this sheet include
Polish, Cuban,
German Yugoslavian, Indian and Iranian. One of the Polish MiG
29A's that flew against American planes in "Eagles Talon '97"
has some modest Tiger Stripes at the tops outside of the vertical
stabilizers. The German MiG 29G has a Scorpian below the canopy on
the left side of the fuselage. The red/white and blue national
insignias of the Cuban plane are quite eye catching as are the markings
for the seldom depicted Iranian MiG 29.

MiG-29 UB Fulcrum
B decal sheet
for 7 different airforces including Polish, Russian (Sharks Mouth
markings), East German, Moldavian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Peruvian.
Painting options include everything from a 2 tone gray upper surface to
a 3 colour Green/Brown/Tan paint scheme and everything in-between.

AN-2 Colt decal sheet
for 7 different Colts including a night bomber from the Balkans war in
the early '90's. Also a medvac Colt aircraft.
#72047 F/RF-84G
Thunder Jet
This sheet includes
marking for 4 aircraft......2 from Denmark, 1 from Iran and one from
#72049 F-84G Thunder
Jet This
decal sheet permits you to make 2
different planes. These planes are from France and Greece.
and 1/48 SU-27 S / SK / UB Flanker B/C decal sheet
1/72 and 1/48 F-14A
Tomcat -- Iranian and US Decal sheet
& 1/72 Rf-4C/E Phantom II decal sheet -- 7
different schemes from Iran, Spain and the USA
1/72 F-86F-25/F-30 Sabre
(F-40 wing) decal sheet