Friday,  Apr 30  2004          
  • Paul Woulf begins today's update with his first article on ARC.  Paul has finished his 1/32 Academy F-18C.  Paul used Two Bobs decals, Cutting Edge Cockpit to build his F-18....then he weathered the panel lines to enhance the great detail on this big kit.

  • Jon H. Ruehle has having fun as he continues to work on his 1/35 Trumpeter Mi-24 Hind.  This part 2 of his series about building his Hind.  Part 1 was an inbox review of the kit.  Check out the pictures of the engine and cockpit.....simply perfect.

  • Jorge Bonilla Alvarado joins us from Mexico with his 1/48 Algerian Su-7.  With the jungle paint scheme and Sharks Mouth....this is one cool looking Su-7. 

  • Dennis Weber has dropped by the ARC Corporate offices with his 1/48 Hobbycraft Bf 109G-10.  Dennis has completed his Hobbycraft 109 and found it to be a fairly good kit.  His finished model is a good example of modelling skill.

  • Andy Ludwig has been attending more shows.  Lucky guy!!!  Today he has some photos of the recent 2004 Northwest Scale Modelers Show.  The Israeli F-15 to the left is Andy's....I figured it would be nice to feature his F-15 on the ARC home page for his article. 

  • I have a review of the new 1/48 Fw-190A Vicious Wulfs  Part 1 decal sheet from Cutting Edge Modelworks

  • Mark Kubes is here with some "Phoenix Air"  Learjet 36 walkaround photos.

  • Mark Kubes is here with some more "Phoenix Air"  Learjet 36  walkaround photos.

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Thursday,  Apr 29  2004          
  • Robert-Jan Willekens begins today's update with his very nicely done 1/48 Kawasaki Ki-61 Hien.  This particular aircraft is one of my favourite Japanese aircraft from WW2.  Robert has given his Ki-61 a very involved paint scheme and has provided some info about the aircraft as well as his model. 

  • Steve Eggers has been busy on his PROJECT SPECTERToday he has provided us with a CLASSIFIED: CONTROLLED DOCUMENT get to  read about this top secret aircraft first on ARC.  

  • H.Ufuk Aydiner has dropped by with a very attractive 1/48 Tamiya P-47D.  This Jug has big noseart and very skillfully applied weathering.....look at the underside.  

  • Stefan Szymanski joins us today with his 1/48 Revell "Natter" diorama.  Stefan has created quite the diorama with an excellent model as well as figures and accessories. 

  • Joe Youngerman is here with one of his Italian beauties.  This is Joe's 1/72 Italeri Fiat BR.20M done up in a very involved desert scheme.  Joe has included some history about this aircaft as well as info about building his model.

  • Fabien Arnaud has dropped by with some pictures of his 1/48 Tamiya Heinkel He219 Uhu.  The antennas for night missions add to the delicate look of Fabien's very nice night fighter model.  

  • I have a review of the new 1/144 Pegasus Space Booster & L-1011 Launch vehicle decal sheet from Cutting Edge Modelworks.  This sheet permits you to build some of the L-1011's/Pegasus combo used to launch satellites. 

  • I have a review of the new 1/48 Henschel HS123A decal sheet from AMtech.  This decal sheet permits you to build 5 different Hs123's including a pre-war Luftwaffe as well as a and Spanish aircraft.

  • Richard Bullock is here with some Sikorsky H-19 walkaround photos.

  • Richard Bullock is here with some Sikorsky H-5 walkaround photos.

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Wednesday,  Apr 28  2004          
  • Osvaldo Viggiani is here with his big  1/32 Hasegawa D-9 converted into a D-13.  Osvaldo went into extra detail on his Dora and you will enjoy seeing the pictures he has included with his articles.  The seatbelts look particularly authentic.  

  • Joe Volz is here with his excellently done and beautifully weathered 1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18C Hornet.  Joe built this Hornet more or less out of the box with the exception of the resin seat.  Another fine F-18 from Joe's workbench.

  • Evgenij Dedigurov has dropped by ARC with his 1/72 Roden Antonov AN-12 BK.  This aircraft has a boarding ladder and greenhouse nose, which I suspect took a bit of time to mask and paint.  Very nice Evgenij.

  • Kairasp Daruwala is here with his 1/48 Aero A-4 Skyhawk.  This one was built straight out of the box about 18 years ago....and it looks quite good.  

  • Paulo Guimarães is here with his 1/72 Airfix Cessna O-1E Bird DogThis particular Bird Dog is in markings from the Vietnam war.  Being a Bird Dog pilot is not something I would have wanted to do.

  • I have a review of the new 1/48 Captured Allied Aircraft decal sheet Cutting Edge Modelworks.  This is the Zircus Rosarius Special Missions part 2 decal sheet and features 3 different aircraft.....2 of them are captured Allied aircraft in Luftwaffe markings.

  • Emad Tabsh with an inbox preview of the new 1/32 Trumpeter P-38 model kit.  This is one very elaborate model kit.  check it will be impressed.

  • I have a review of the new 1/72 CL-215 Fire bomber decal sheet from Leading Edge ModelsThis decal sheet features 2 water bombers from the provinces of Ontario and Alberta in Canada.  If you like flying boats or water bombers....then this decal sheet will be of interest to you.Charles Kalina is here with some Iraqi Airlines IL-76MD CANDID walkaround photos from the Baghdad Airport.

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Tuesday,  Apr 27  2004              Sierra Leone Independence Day  

 South Africa Freedom Day       Togo Independence Day  

  • Greg Buckley joins us from Sierra Leone today to tell us what he's been up too with his mates in the British forces.   If you don't know where Sierra Leone is.....I invite you to read his article and learn more about the story in this forgotten part of the world. 

  • Brandon Curtis is 10 years old and today he has dropped by with his first model article on ARC.  This is Brandon's 1/72 Airfix P-38H and it came out looking very well.  I wish I could get a P-38 to look this good.  Well done Brandon and welcome to ARC!!! 

  • Hal Marshman Sr. is here with his 1/48 Eduard Yak-3.  Hal did his usual detailing and weathering and then top it off with some very colorful markings. 

  • Darius Aibara is here with another of his gems from an older kit articles.  Today it's Darius's 1/48 Esci A-7D Corsair II with a full weapons load and some interesting markings.  Darius does it once again. 

  • Edward Lowdell is here with his first article on ARC.  This is Edward's 1/24 Airfix Junkers Ju 87 R-2/Trop St.G3 finished off in the striking snake markings.  Edward has weathered his Ju-87 and chipped the paint to further enhance it's very realistic look.  Welcome to ARC Edward. 

  • Dave DeLang has dropped by with a selection of photos from the recent Buffcon Show 2004 model show.  Dave has included a good variety of photos of various models from this show.

  • I have a review of the new 1/48 Captured Allied Aircraft  decal sheet from Cutting Edge ModelworksThis is the Zircus Rosarius  Special Missions Part 3 decal sheet and provides markings for 3 different captured Allied fighters.

  • I have a review of the 1/48 and 1/72 TUDM McAir F/A-18D Hornet decal sheets from F-4DableModels.  If you want to build a Royal Malaysian Air Force F/A-18D in 1/48 or 1/72....then this is the decal sheet for you.

  • Greg Buckley is here with some Sierra Leone Alouette walkaround photos.

  • Greg Buckley is here with some Sierra Leone Westland Commando walkaround photos.

  • Greg Buckley is here with some Sierra Leone Hind walkaround photos.

  • For folks in Australia....there is a Model Show/Contest on 29 and 30 May at the Canberra RSL Club, 15 Moore St, Canberra.  It will be held over two days featuring 10 traders, raffles and the usual competition categories.  More details can be found at or email the committee at  

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Monday,  Apr 26  2004        Israel Independence Day                 Tanzania Union Day  

I would like wish everyone in Israel  peaceful day of celebrations and I would like to express my hope that peace will one day come to the region.

  • Yoav Efrati is a highly respected modeler from Israel and today he's here with his IAF 56 Anniversary article.  Yoav brings you a selection of his Delta winged fighters used by the Israeli Air Force.  Quite the impressive selection of aircraft Yoav.  It is always a special treat to see Yoav's model on ARC.

  • An Israeli independence day wouldn't be complete without an article from Albert Moore.  Today Albert brings  you his 1/72 Monogram/Revell F-16C Barak (Block 30).  The detail would be impressive in 1/48 scale.....but considering his F-16 is in 1/ is quite inspiring. 

  • Somchai "Blackeyes" joins us from Thailand with his 1/48 Trumpeter SA 365N Dauphain 2.  The paint scheme is very pleasing to see and the finish and detail on his model is excellent.  And of course it is wearing Israeli markings.

  • Polly Singh is here with his 1/72 Fujimi MiG 21PF, KP MiG 21 BIS, Fujimi MiG 21 M, Eastern Express MiG 21-93.  Polly calls his article When you are out of Migs, You're out of fighters .  Another excellent article showing the huge variety of aircraft used by the Indian Air Force over the years. 

  • Yoav Efrati is also here today with a photos from his recent visit to the IAF Museum.  His photos include early piston fighters and all the way up to modern well as a wide variety of helicopters. 

  • I have a review of the new 1/48 (and 1/72)  N1K2-J Shiden-Kai decal sheet from Yellow Hammer Decals.  This decal sheet is also calledGenda's Eagles 343 Kokutai Part 2 and even features a captured Shiden-Kai in US markings.

  • I've added a link to IsraDecal to the ARC Manufacturers links pages.  this decal company specializes in decals for Israeli aircraft and htey even have some books about Israeli aircraft.

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Sunday,  Apr 25  2004  ANZAC Day    Australia and New Zealand 
  • Colin Whitehouse is here from New Zealand with his 1/48 Glencoe and Aeroclub Venom FB1.  Colin sent this article especially for today in memory of the New Zealanders that are being remembered today on ANZAC Day.  Thanks for sharing Colin.....we will honour New Zealanders and Australians today.

  • Michael "Madmike" Johnson is here from Australia to honour and remember the Australians on ANZAC Day 2004.  This is Mike's 1/72 Airfix Fairey Rotodyne  finished off in QANTAS "what-if" markings.  Nice one Mike....have a peaceful day.

  • Jeremy Neo, Hobby Icon in Singapore joins us with his 1/48 Siai Marchetti S211.  This aircraft is the current jet trainer for the Republic of Singapore Air Force.  Neat looking little jet. 

  • Sam Chia is here with his first article on ARC.  Sam is a master at building the 1/48 Monogram B-25J, as I think you will agree when you have a look at his.  Excellent markings from Albatros.  Welcome to ARC Sam!!!

  • Hong Bo Jin is here from China with his 1/200 TOMY ANA "Pokemon Jet" Boeing 767-300My daughter went wild when she saw this one....she's a big Pokemon fan.  Jin did a beautiful job on this one.

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Saturday,  Apr 24  2004      
  • Gil Ricardo Salamé Páez is here with his first article on ARC.  This is his 1/72 Hasegawa Macchi C 202, Folgore.  Ricardo has provided the history behind the type of aircraft as well as some of the work he did to build his great looking Italian fighter.  Welcome to ARC Ricardo!!!

  • Daniel PerezVertti has finished his 1/72 Hasegawa F-18F in the markings for VFA-2.  Daniel has weathered and finished his Super bug to a truly pleasing level of quality.  Beautifully done Daniel. 

  • Polly Singh has dropped by with his article about his 1/48 Monogram Bf- 109 G and Italeri Fw- 190 D.  These 2 aircraft were flown by 2 pilots with a total of 653 kills.  Polly has provided a bit of background history in his article.

  • Fernando Dias is here with his amazingly done and detailed 1/72 Italeri Mirage 2000 C "Tiger Meet 2002".  This Mirage would be amazing in 1/48....but for 1/72....this is impeccable.  Quite inspiring Fernando.

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Friday,  Apr 23  2004       England  -- St. George's Day   

  Turkey  --    National Independance and Children Day  

Thursday,  Apr 22  2004      
  • Dan McWilliams is here with his first article on ARC today.  this is Dan's 1/48 Academy T-33 finished off in Canadian markings.  Dan got the stunning bare metal finish the hard way....using bare metal foil.  Excellent results Dan....welcome to ARC!!!

  • Ray Seppala has been busy making a very colourful 1/144 Minicraft Boeing 757-200.  Ray finished his Boeing 757 America West 'Ohio' markings.  This airliner definitely rocks!!!

  • Bill Lachance is here with very unique looking 1/48 Hasegawa Junkers Ju 87G-2.  I've got a real soft spot for the Ju-87's with the big underwing anti-tank cannons and Bill's Ju-87 really caught my eye.  I think you'll enjoy it as well.

  • Jorge Bonilla Alvarado is here with his 1/48 Fujimi Fw 190 A8.  This one sports a desert camo scheme.  Jorge built his Fw-190 out of the box and then added a perfect paint job with paint chipping for added realism.  Lovely job Jorge.

  • I have a review of the new 1/72 Captured Allied Aircraft decal sheet Zircus Rosarius Special Missions from Cutting Edge ModelworksThis decal sheet features different captured Allied aircraft flown by the Luftwaffe.

  • I have a inbox review of the new 1/72 JU-88H-3 Mistel/H-4 Fuhrungsmachine model kit from AMtech.  This kit permits you to build either a Mistel or one of two  Fuhrungsmachine. 

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Wednesday,  Apr 21  2004             Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second
Tuesday,  Apr 20  2004      
  • Daniel has dropped by today with his first article on ARC.  Daniel doesn't do things in a little way and today he treats us to an artilce about his 1/72 Aircraft Carrier.  Very impressive Daniel.....welcome to ARC!!! 

  • Don "Spongebob" Manning is here with his first article on ARC.  Don has built the 1/48 Italeri F/A-18F.  Don's big article includes lots of text and pics about how he built this super detailed beauty.  Amazing Don and welcome to ARC!!! 

  • Darius Aibara is here with his 1/48 Monogram A7-E Corsair II.  This Corsair includes a weapons load and some attractive markings.  Good one Darius. 

  • Massimo Moruzzi is here with his 1/72 Hasegawa P-51 B Mustang finished in the markings for “SHANGRI-LA” flown by CAPT. DON S. GENTILE.  This is a famous aircraft and Massimo does it justice.  Beautiful detail on his 1/72 Mustang.

  • I have a review of the new 1/32 AVG Flying Tigers Tomahawks decal sheet from Cutting Edge Modelworks.  This sheet includes markings for 2 AVG flying Tigers aircraft......including one flown by Tex Hill.

  • I have a preview of the new 1/32 Thunderbolts and Vikings OIF decal sheet from Two Bobs Aviation Graphics.  This should be of interest to all USMC fans with an interest in OIF.

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Monday,  Apr 19  2004      
  • MaRiO FeRNaNDeZ begins your week with his 1/72 Hasegawa AV-8B Harrier II Plus.  Mario took 2nd place at a recent contest with his Harrier.  He mentions a technique for adding weathering with a pencil in the direction of the airflow that sounds like a very easy and effective technique.  Read his article for info.

  • Ivano Caprioli has dropped by today with his 1/48 Fujimi Aichi d3a1 "Val" model 11 type 99.  Ivano did some amazing detail work on his Val....check out his photos and I think you'll be impressed. 

  • Darren Roberts has dropped by with his 1/48 ESCI/ERTL F-4C Phantom II.  The paint job Darren did on this one is quite something and definitely worth having a look at. 

  • Chris Novak is here with more of his cut-away Luftwaffe fighters.  His article is called "Aces of the century" and includes various 1/32 kits.  Dynamite looking work Chris. 

  • I have a review of the new 1/32 Tomahawks decal sheet  from Cutting Edge Modelworks.  This decal sheets includes markings for two different AVG Flying Tigers......both include artwork on the fuselage.

  • Recently I did a preview of the new 1/48 F-15J Shiro Ruyu "White Dragon"  decal sheet from Two Bobs Aviation Graphics.  The highlight of this paint scheme is the big white Dragon on the top of the aircraft.  I've added an image of the top of this aircraft to the preview. 

  • I have a review of the new 1/72 Curtiss Jenny JN-4HG (Gunnery Trainer) model kit from Olimp Models.  This is  the Gunnery version of the Jenny and includes markings for two different US gunnery trainers.

  • Andrew Deeley at ED Models (Airwaves) has sent a letter for you all to read.  He is retiring and he's having a clearance saleClick here to read his letter. I'd like to wish Andrew all the very best and I hope he enjoys his time off. 

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Sunday,  Apr 18  2004               Zimbabwe National Day  
  • Ralph Emerson "Shonen Red" Dabao is here with his first article on ARC.  This is his 1/48 Accurate Miniatures SBD-3 Dauntless.   Ralph's Dauntless  is weathered and includes paint chipping.  Good to see this ion ARC....welcome to ARC Ralph!!!

  • Ivan Tovar has dropped by with his 1/48 Monogram F-15 Eagle.  Ivan quite enjoyed building this F-15.  He finished it with some weathering and decals from Twobobs WTC Scramblers sheet.  Another fine example of an F-15.

  • H.Ufuk Aydiner is here from Turkey with his 1/48 Tamiya Fw-190D9.   H.Ufuk has a talent for these WW2 German fighters.  Another beauty from H.Ufuk's workbench.

  • Andrew Lang is here with his 1/48 Hasegawa F/A-18A Hornet.    Andrew used some cockpit detail parts as well as "Remove before flight" tags and wingfolds.  A very realistic looking Hornet. 

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Saturday,  Apr 17  2004         Syria Independence Day   
Friday,  Apr 16  2004                Denmark  -  Queen's Birthday  
  • Anne Onimits is here to honor the IRS and yesterdays tax deadline in the US.  This is the Northrop-Grumman EA-6F "Fowler" which is a top secret spy aircraft used by the IRS to track US citizens.  Scary stuff indeed!!! 

  • Jan Hermoch is here with his very special  1/48 Hasegawa AV-8B plus Harrier IIJan has gone to great care to get his Harrier diorama looking perfect.  Very nice indeed. 

  • Michael Johnson has dropped by with his 1/72 Airfix Fairey Rotodyne.  This is a beautifully done model of a very odd aircraft design.   

  • Charles Kalina of the Baghdad Hobby Club has dropped by with his tiny 1/288 Revell SR-71.  It's always good to hear from the guys in Baghdad and see their latest models. 

  • Marcus Jellyman is here with his first article on ARC.  This is his 1/48 Hasegawa CF-18 using Leading Edge decals and a resin seat.  An attractive CF-18 to be sure.  Welcome to ARC Marcus!!!  

  • Christian Meyerhoff is here with his first article on ARC.  This is his 1/48 Arii P-51D with a Sharks Mouth paint scheme.....quite attractive and well done.  Welcome to ARC Christian!!! 

  • Will Hendriks has been busy creating another of his bi-plane gems.  This is Will's 1/48 Eduard Nieuport 17  which he titles "The Courage of the Early Morning".  Will has a definite talent for these WW1 aircraft.

  • I have a review of the new 1/32 F-15E Saddam Hunters!! decal sheet from Two Bobs Aviation GraphicsThis decal sheet if packed with cool nose art!!!

  • I have a review of the new 1/32 Tomahawks AVG Flying Tigers decal sheet from Cutting Edge ModelworksThis sheet features 2 different aircraft. 

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Thursday,  Apr 15  2004      
Wednesday,  Apr 14  2004      
  • Arnold Cremers is here with his first article on ARC.  this is Arnold's 1/32 Revell Bf 109 G-2 in winter camo.  Arnold put plenty of effort into his 109 to get the details on the paint scheme looking very nice indeed.  Welcome to ARC Arnold. 

  • Mike Phillips  is here today with his big 1/35 Panda UH-1N Gunship.  Mike wasn't satisfied with building this kit straight out of the box and instead he detailed and scratch built parts to get the finished model he wanted.  It was worth the effort.

  • Kai Reckstadt is here with part 2 of his 1/32 Tamiya F-4 J “Black-Bunny”I quite enjoyed seeing the pictures for this F-4.....the cockpit detail etc is a real treat to see. 

  • Stephen Mortimer is here from Australia with his first article on ARC.  This is Stephen's 1/48 Hasegawa A-7E Corsair II.  The wingfolds added an extra level of interest to his Corsair II.  Welcome to ARC Stephen. 

  • Deun Yu is here with his 1/72 Revell F/A-18E Super Hornet.  Deun put plenty of months of work into his Supoer Hornet to improve the accuracy and detail of the kit.  Nice job on this one Deun.

  • Konley Kelley is here with his first article on ARC.  This is Konley's Photoshop Dioramas of "Aces in 1/48 Scale" and it features his P-51 model added to a  sky background with the use of computer "magic".  These types of images expand scale modelling to a new area of fun. 

  • I have a review of the new 1/48 P-59 Airacomet Part 2 from Cutting Edge ModelworksThis features 6 different P-59's...including one Flown by Tex Hill of Flying Tigers fame.

  • I have a preview of the new 1/48 F-4E South East Asia Heroes decal sheet from Two Bobs Aviation Graphics.  this one features F-4's from Vietnam.

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Tuesday,  Apr 13  2004      
  • Radim Schimmer is here with his 1/72 Hasegawa Republic P-47D Thunderbolt.  Radim has turned out a very nice model from this 20 year old very good quality kit. 

  • Graham Tarran has dropped by with his 1/48 Academy RAF Canadair Sabre F4.  A pleasant surprise to see an RAF model of the F-86.  Graham/s F-86 is finished in his usual pleasing level of quality.

  • Kai Reckstadt has been busy building his 1/32 Tamiya F-4 J “Black-Bunny”.  This is Part 1 of his article.....I'll run part 2 tomorrow.  Getting a gloss finish is much harder than the usual flat finish, but Kai got it right.

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Monday,  Apr 12  2004      
Sunday,  Apr 11  2004      
  • David Matušek joins us today with his 1/48 Tamiya Fw-190DDavid used some Eduard detail items to enhance the cockpit and finished this off with some weathering.  A very well done example of the famous Dora.

  • Matt Borlandelli has dropped by with his 1/48 Silvercloud Supermarine SeafangThis is limited run kit that Matt added a bit of aftermarket detail items to.  This kit requires a bit more more than a mass produced kit, but Matt got it finished all the same.

  • Armin Knes is here with his triple article about his 1/48 Suchoi Su-7 BKL / Su-9 A / Su-11 A.  All three of Armin's jets have amazingly well done baremetal paint jobs.  It's a treat to see all three jets. 

  • Olivier has sent in some fantastic in-flight photos of some aircraft of the French Air Force.  I love the desert paint schemes on a few of his photos. 

  • George Campbell, aka F4CCV is here with an In-box Preview of the 1/48 Hasegawa RF-4B PT-31.  Thanks George. 

  • Emad Tabsh is here with an In-box Preview of the 1/35 Trumpeter Mil Mi-4A  Hound A.  Thanks Emad. 

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Saturday,  Apr 10  2004      
  • Gianmaria Corona is here today with his 1/48 Dragon SPAD 13 C1.  This one is an interesting bi-plane because of the clear dope used on the linen wings and fuselage.  This gave the plane a rather unique look.  Very cool to see this one.  Gianmaria provides plenty of detail in his article.

  • Darius Aibara is here with his 1/48 Hasegawa/RVHP RF-8G Crusader - catching the 3-wire.  Darius's diorama is well worth taking a look at and reading his article for ideas on how he pulled this off.  These sorts of dioramas definitely require a bit of planning, but the results can be dramatic.

  • Dave Steele joins us today with his out-of-the-box and expertly built 1/48 Tamiya A-1H Douglas Skyraider.  This fully loaded Skyraider has the classic exhaust stains and a full weapons load.  Quite nice indeed.

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Friday,  Apr 9  2004      
Portugal "Dia do Combatente" (The Fighter's Day)
Day of Remembrance (La Lys Battle 1918)

No update today.

Thursday,  Apr 8  2004      
  • Gary Wickham begins today's update with his 1/72 Hasegawa F/A-18F Super Hornet finished off in the markings for VFA-102 Diamondbacks.  This models is very clean and impeccably finished.  The in-flight display is worth taking a close look at.  also notice one of the crewmembers has his head turned to the side

  • Everett McEwan is back today with Part 2 of his "Two Special Ops Hawks" article.  Today Everett builds his 1/48 Minicraft MH-60G.  Everett added a variety of scratchbuilt and aftermarket detail items to improve his MH-60G.  

  • Dan Parsons is here with his paint chipped and weathered 1/48 Tamiya A6M5c Zero.  Dan used some Eduard items to detail his Zero as well as some resin wheels.  The end result is a very believable Zero.  

  • Tony Crews is here with his big and beautiful 1/32 Trumpeter A-10A N/AW.  Tony did a splendid job on his A-10 and provides some insight in his article about this special 2 seater.  He's also provided a picture of the real jet in his article. 

  • Marcius Cesar Costa is here from Brazil with his 1/72 Heller Nieuport Delage 72 C1.  this type of aircraft was flown by Brazil in the 1930's.  It's always good to see Bi-planes on ARC to continue to provide daily variety. 

  • I have a review of the new 1/48 P-40B/C Tomahawk decal sheet from Cutting Edge Modelworks.  This decal sheets includes two AVG Flying Tigers, one Moscow based Soviet P-40 and one Hawaii based P-40 from Dec 1941.

  • I have a review of the new 1/48 F-15J Shiro Ruyu "White Dragon" decal sheet from Two Bobs Aviation Graphics  This decal sheet includes an Japanese F-15J with a huge white Dragon painted on the topside.

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Wednesday,  Apr 7  2004      
  • Everett McEwan begins today with the first part of two part article on building his Two Special Ops Hawks.  Today he focuses on building his 1/48th Italeri/Cobra Company MH-60K.  Everett loves to detail his models and this one is no exception.  Part 2 will run tomorrow. 

  • Matt Bacon joins us with his first article on ARC.  this is Matt's 1/72 Monogram Space Shuttle.  If you've never see this's close to 2 feet long.  Matt went to wild adding detail to his Space Shuttle.  Beautifully detailed and finished.  Welcome to ARC Matt.

  • Fabien Arnaud is here with his 1/48 Dragon Focke-Wulf Fw190 D-9.  Fabien has a talent for the paint schemes on Luftwaffe aircraft and his Dora is no exception....very nicely done.

  • Ming Zhan is here with his first article on ARC.  This is his bright red 1/72 Matchbox Red Arrow.  Ming rescribed the panel lines and added details to the cockpit and elsewhere.  Welcome to ARC Ming!!!     

  • Kairasp Daruwala is here with his 1/48 Airfix Spitfire Vb in D-Day markings.  Kairasp added a pilot to his Spitfire along with some other work.  It's always nice to see aircraft with D-day markings. 

  • Wing Ho is here with his latest model.  This is his 1/48 Italeri Tornado ADV.  Wing built his Tornado basically out of the box with the addition of some resin seats and wheels.  The Tornado looks fast just sitting on the ground. 

  • I have a review of the new 1/72 F-4J  VX-4 & VF-84 decal sheet from Yellow Hammer DecalsThis sheet features one Jolly Rogers F-4J and one Black bunny F-4J.

  • I have a review of the new 1/48 F-16C OIF Swamp Foxes decal sheet from Two Bobs Aviation GraphicsThis sheet feartures markings for 3 F-16's involved in OIF. 

  • Koko is here with a selection of  Ilyushin 76 walkaround photos

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Tuesday,  Apr 6  2004      
  • Jarek Jakiel joins us with his first article on ARC.  This is his 1/72 Fujimi A-6E Intruder finished in VA-115 Gulf War Intruder markings.  I enjoyed the weathering on his 1/72 dirty USN A-6 as well as all the extra detailing from Eduard he added.  Welcome to ARC Jarek!!! 

  • Sacha Columberg is here with his 1/32 Revell Bf-109G-4 Trop.  Sacha finished his 109 in the markings for "White 8" with IV./JG53, La Marsa.  He used a very good technique for post his might be a technique you might want to experiment with. 

  • Gil Ricardo Salamé Páez is here with his first article on ARC.  This is his 1/72 DML Do 355 A1 Pfeil and the Do 355 A6  Night Fighter.  Excellent.  Welcome to ARC Gil!!! 

  • Patrick Hawkey does not do things the easy way.  Today he presents his 1/48 Monogram TF-102 which he built using the using C & H resin conversion.  A quick read through his article will show that this was one bear of a conversion.  Outstanding he stuck with it and got it done.

  • Franck Oudin is here with his beautifully done 1/48 AMTech P-40-F.  This is a fine kit and Franck has done it up he always does. 

  • Kaan Gök has been very kind and sent a step by step article on how he does his amazing Weathering USN Aircraft models.  You all know Kaan's excellent is your chance to learn his weathering technique. 

  • I have a review of the new 1/48 P-40's AVG Flying Tigers decal sheet from Cutting Edge Modelworks.  I am very pleased to see Cutting Edge coming out with these AVG and related P-40 sheets.  It is a story that should never be forgotten.

  • I have a review of the new 1/48 F-16A/B NSAWC Vipers decal sheet from Two Bobs Aviation Graphics.  These are some of the F-16's that were to be delivered to Pakistan but never actually got delivered.

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Monday,  Apr 5  2004      
  • Will Hendriks kicks off today's large update with his 1/72 Academy P-39Q.  Will weathered his P-39 and then finished it off with "Snooks 2nd" markings.  Another fine model from Will's very busy workbench.

  • Fred Shammas is here with his first article on ARC.  This is Fred's 1/32 Hasegawa Northrop F-5E finished off in markings for the Golden F-5E Crown Aerobatic Team of the Imperial Iranian Air Force.  Iranian jets are a rare but very welcome sight on ARC.  Welcome to ARC Fred. 

  • Emilio R. Diaz has dropped by with his 1/48 Airmodels/WK Models TsKB-12bis.  Emilio has provided some history behind this aircraft as well as info about the building process for his model on skis.  

  • Alexis Demulder is here with his 1/48 Hasegawa F-4J (UK) Phantom IIAlexis used some Eduard Photo etch and resin seats to detail his F-4.  I found the bare metal painting around the engine to look just like the real aircraft.  A very well done British F-4.

  • Catherine Vickers is here from the UK with her 1/72 Airfix de Havilland Chipmunk T10.  Catherine has built a very colourful example of this bare metal trainer and her work is also a treat to see on ARC. 

  • Evgenij Dedigurov joins us with his 1/72 ESCI Tupolev TU-22KD "Blinder".  Evgenij gave his model a multi-shaded paint scheme to make it look like  a multi-paneled aircraft.  The finished model looks very realistic. 

  • Robert Lenior is here with an article for making in-flight display stands or Flying Models.  He provides very good photos and text to guide you through his very simple but effective process.  If you like in-flight models....then his article is well worth checking out.

  • I have a review of the new 1/48 P-40 Warhawk Part 4 decal sheet featuring P-40E's M's & N's of the CBI from Cutting Edge ModelworksThe planes feautres here are from the Chine/Burma/India theater of operations during WW2.

  • I have a review of the 1/48AJ-37 JA-37 Saab Viggen decal sheet from Two Bobs Aviation Graphics.  Get it while you can. 

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Sunday,  Apr 4  2004                    Senegal Independence Day   
Saturday,  Apr 3  2004      
  • Fernando Borges is here with his first article on ARC.  This is his 1/72 Academy P-39 Airacobra in Portuguese markings.  Fernando goes into some detail behind the history of how Portugal ended up with some P-39's.  He scratchbuilt the cockpit and weathered his P-39.  Welcome to ARC Fernando!!!

  • Ted Taylor is here with a big feature article on building his 1/48 Airfix H.S. Buccaneer S2.  S2B.  As most of you know.....this is an older kit that has defeated many fellow modellers.....but Ted conquered the beast with style. 

  • Osvaldo Viggiani is here with his first article on ARC.  Today he presents his 1/48 Dragon Junkers Ju 88 G-1 nightfighter.  You've got to check out the paint scheme on this is quite unique.  Welcome to ARC Osvaldo!!!

  • Graham Symmonds is here with his 1/48 Tamiya Lancaster - VR-A.  Graham has provided some history behind the plane which includes a crew member be awarded the Victoria Cross story.  As for his Lanc......he's added plenty of work including exhaust stains and detail items.  A very nice job on this older kit. 

  • Cesare Positano is here with his first article on ARC.  This is his quick look review of the new 1/32 F-104G conversion set from New Model System.  This set will permit you to build an accurate Italian F-104G.

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Friday,  Apr 2  2004                     Falklands/Malvinas War Anniversary  

I hope you all had an enjoyable April Fools Day yesterday.

  • Chip Jean is here with his first article on ARC.  This is Chip's 1/48 Hasegawa A6M2-N Rufe which he added some very tiny and realistic looking paint chips to the panel lines and weathering to the model.  A special model of this WW2 float plane.  Welcome to ARC Chip!!!

  • Andy Frill is here with his impeccably done 1/32 Academy F-18C Hornet with wing folds and engine covers.  This one is one heck of a first class model of this very delightful kit.

  • Edison Franco is here with his first article on ARC.  This is his  PBY- 5  FAC (OA-10 ).  Edison chose to finish his PBY in markings from Colombia, which is always interesting to see aircraft from other airforces around the world.  I enjoyed seeing this one.....welcome to ARC Edison!!!

  • Nick Monopoli is here with his tiny 1/144 A-10A Warthog.  Nick has included a story in his article about an A-10 that I think you'll find interesting.  Nice job on the tiny scale A-10 Nick.

  • Thang Le is here with his latest model.  Thang built the 1/48 Monogram Do-335 and rescribed the panel lines and turned out his usual beauty from a somewhat older lower priced kit.  I love seeing the stunning models  Thang can make from these older kits. 

  • A reminder.....The April 2004 Computer Desktop Calendar images by Ming Ho are ready for you to use.  Click on the link or image and download the size you need.  If unsure how to do this......I've provided links to a "how-to" page.   

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.


Thursday,  Apr 1  2004          RCAF 80th Birthday       RAF 86th Birthday  
  • Dave Flitton of the Baghdad Hobby Club has our first article today in ARC's new format.  This is Dave's 1/35 Esci T-72 in Iraqi markings and if you look carefully.....Dave has even including Iraqi groundwork to sit his T-72 on.  Now that is realistic!! 

  • Charles Kalina of the Baghdad Hobby Club is here with his 1/72 Dragon M1A1 Abrams.  Charles had to wonder outside his Model Club to find some Iraqi soil to photo his Abrams on.  Lookin' fine Charles!!! 

  • Sunel Tan is here with his 1/35 Tamiya SAS Land Rover with Dragon British Desert Rats Figures.  This diorama is from the Desert Storm time frame and if you look carefully you notice a poster of Saddam in the background. 

  • Russ Sharp is an armour modeller in my local club.  Here's some photos I took of his 1/35 Tamiya Jagdpanzer IV.  Russ is a very talented armour modeller and his diorama's are packed full of tiny details.  He is an inspiration to us all.

  • Rodney Williams is here with his M-47 PATTON TANK.  This is Rodney's first tank and the end result is quite well done.  Check out the cool Tigers Head artwork on the front.  

  • Stephen Murray is here with his 1/76 BW Models Bedford  "Green Goddess".  This is a white metal kit and would go fairly well with a 1/72 aircraft diorama.....not that any of us build aircraft models......nope....not us!!!  Good to see your work Stephen.  

  • Koray Bayramoğlu is here with his 1/24 Porsche 911 GT2.  Modelling is a fantastic way to collect all your dream cars without spending millions.  I must admit.....Koray's Porsche is very good to see.

  • Andrew Lang is here with one of my favoutire robots.  this is his 1/12 ED-209 (from the movie Robocop).  This is Andrew's first article on ARC and he's provided a beautifully done feature article showing all the thing he did to create his ED-209.  Welcome to ARC Andrew!! 

  • Martin Glogar has dropped by with his 1/32 Alien.  This is a resin kit and the shading and painting is very convincing.  Welcome to ARC Martin.

  • Koray Bayramoğlu is here with his second article today.  this is his 1/24 Tamiya Nissan Primera with nice wide tires....lowered suspension and smoked windows.  This is definitely not your average family car.....although I do wish it was my family car.

  • Ralf Pätzold is here with his 1/48 Tamiyogram F-14  "Cheshire Cats".  You've heard of "Low Viz" poaint schemes.....well this is a " No-viz" paint scheme.  Read his article for the full story behind this top secret break through. 

  • Ryan Cameron is here with his C.A.F. Freddy Flameout.  What can I's a Canadian thing......and we're darn pround of it.  Take a break and build a kit like this every once in a's a hoot. 

  • Darren Roberts is here with his 1/48 Italeri F-18E in a special what-if “VFA-14 Anniversary” scheme.  Take a close look at the markings.....Darren obviously put a bit of thought into this one.

  • Uncle Rick Chin of Uncle Bill's Hobby had a few beers and I was able to get the full story out of him about the top secret Alberta Bomber.  Proof once again about Canada's daunting control over cutting edge aviation design. 

  • Dave Rapasi has found a way to mix paint an lose a few pounds.  This is his Tired Of Mixing All That Paint article using his exercise machine to mix his paint.  The goofy part is.....this actually works.  I'm starting to think Dave is Canadian.

  • The April 2004 Computer Desktop Calendar images by Ming Ho are ready for you to use.  Click on the link or image and download the size you need.  If unsure how to do this......I've provided links to a "how-to" page.   

  • In the Test Post Clubhouse there is a new daily joke and a funny picture.

Happy April Fools Day!!!